
Striving for Perfection: The Effects of Advertising on Female Beauty Standards (2011)

  We all have seen it, sitting in your living room and watching your favorite show on television, an ad comes on asking if you have noticed the fine lines and wrinkles around your eyes and mouth.  Of course you have noticed; you look in the mirror every day and wonder where did that new wrinkle come from and what can you do to make it go away.  The advertiser on the television claims they have the best anti-aging product available and it will erase those lines and wrinkles within two weeks.  To prove it they have a 20 year old model using the product, even though she has never had a line or wrinkle on her face, and you can almost tell yourself that if you rush out and buy that product, you too can have flawless skin like that 20 year old model. Have you ever wondered how many ads you see on television during the course of the day?  Sometimes it seems as if there is more time devoted to advertising than is devoted to the program you are watching.  In fact, our visual senses seem to be o